Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Asthmatic Kitty

As sort of an in-between-posts post, I'd just like to say I've been listening to the Sufjan Stevens album "Come on Feel the Illinoise"

Pretty good album. I first saw it on a couple of Best Album's of 2005 lists on NPR, then I saw it in a couple of magazine reviews, then a friend (Malcolm, thank you very much!) loaned it to me. So I guess you could say it’s getting a bit of buzz, though I still think your average person has no clue who Sufjan Stevens is, let alone how to pronounce his name. The label he's on is called Asthmatic Kitty. That's great.

As far as the album itself goes, I must say I love his track titles, such as “A Conjunction Of Drones Simulating The Way In Which Sufjan Stevens Has An Existential Crisis In The Great Godfrey Maze” (a 19 second track). Sure, MAYBE it's sort of gimmicky, maybe if every artist on every album was as verbose about their song names I would want to burn all of my cd's. However, for a single album by a single artist, it works.

I started to review the album from a musical standpoint and realized after getting 3 paragraphs in, that this wasn’t what I wanted to do. I just wanted to tell you I’m listening to this album and enjoying it. THAT IS ALL. You are dismissed.

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