Monday, September 22, 2008

CVC "Virtual Tour"...first steps

It’s been awhile since I’d updated my Flickr but hopefully you’ll agree it was worth the wait. I finally got around to rough processing some of the photos I’ve taken around the CVC lately and I picked a few of my favorites to post. Once the CVC opens (allegedly this December to visitors) it’s certainly going to be the buzz around town. The sheer volume of the space is almost without precedent on the Hill, which is certainly a meaningful statement given the nature of monumental architecture.

One of the most impressive spaces is the newly dubbed “Emancipation Hall”, previously the “Great Hall”. They have started moving statues in and included in the list of sculpture and statuary is the original model for the “Freedom Statue” as sculpted by Thomas Crawford himself. This is the plaster model that was transported to the US on a leaky ship and used for casting the actual bronze statue atop the US Capitol Dome. Even given the massive size of the statue, when trying to view it from ground level the detail is hard to make out at the top of the dome. About all you can gather is that it appears to be some kind of Indian. Well it isn’t. You can get a much closer look at all the detail by checking out the statue from right at it’s feet in Emancipation Hall.

If you can’t wait until December though, go check out my Flickr site for a few shots of the “Freedom Statue” being reassembled in Emancipation Hall. You’ll also see some of the other statues they’ve already brought in, catch a glimpse of the visitor’s auditorium, and if you’re still not impressed, check out the whole CVC set including some of my past CVC shots.

Hopefully I’ll be adding more CVC photos as I have the chance. Lastly, I took some fun pictures at the Sackler and the Freer Smithsonian museums this weekend that I hope to be editing and posting soon. If you're going to be in the area soon I recommend seeing the "Seascapes" exhibit by Tryon and Sugimoto on display until January 25, 2009. Very calming and maybe slightly inspiring. Worthy of contemplation.

I Love DC!

Stay Tuned!!!


Friday, September 19, 2008

Just to Say Hi

I was checking the pages on my bookmarks tab when I realized it had been almost a month since I posted an updated. In an effort to not offend the sea of readers hitting my page every day desperately or hopefully awaiting the next bit of news, I’ll offer the following minutiae. It’s good to go back to the blog’s roots sometimes, otherwise I’d be forced to change that banner catch-line.

Though it’s 3 days early, I’m welcoming emissaries and ambassadors autumn’s already sent our way. Yes, in a few weeks I’m sure you’ll get yet another post about what I love about Fall, until then simply content yourselves with knowing that this year we tried to embrace summer as best we could. No sense in regretting the present season for loyalty to an absent fall.

Things are good at the Colburn house and this summer saw quite a bit of activity. Amon got some serious progress made on her scrap books, which you probably got a chance to see in draft form if you were one of the folks who lived along the route of our summer odyssey. I got new software for our Mac that makes processing/editing photos easier; many thanks to our friend Tom with the hook up at Adobe. We had friends over for meals, got to be guests at friends tables, read some good books, and in general got a lot done. Of course there’s never enough time and Amon continues to have so many ideas of fun and productive things to do, that we should never have an excuse to be bored.

I attended back to school night with Amon yesterday, and once again was confronted with how unfair it is for teachers to get to work by 6:30am, work all day have an hour break, and have to be back at school to start another “day” of open-house-classes at 7:30pm. But they do it, and a few parents come to meet their child’s teacher, see the amazing class room they’ve set up and appreciate things in general. A few more parents come, show up late for the period, skip out early, and in general feel that they don’t have the time to be bothered listening to the teacher’s talk about what their child is going to learn in the class; they need to see all the teachers before the first period is over so they can leave early. I wonder where their kids learn their bad habits. Must be TV.

Well, I’ll leave my ranting to the professionals as there will be enough negativity on the TV, radio, and printed page between now and November to world of blogs into the ground.

I’ll leave you with this thought…pick the more challenging of the two:
“If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give.” - George MacDonald
“I do not think that the road to contentment lies in despising what we have not got. Let us acknowledge all good, all delight that the world holds, and be content without it.” - George MacDonald