Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmastide in Middle America

No posts for a long time, for which I am remiss. However I feel safe in supposing that most have been too busy hanging their stockings with care to have noticed a slight dip in the frequency of my posts. While Christmas tide is still upon us for 6 more days, the big event itself has come and gone.

As some of you know I made my annual pilgrimage to Kansas to keep the Christmas observance this year. Unique to this go around, however, was the stop in central Kansas (Hutch) to celebrate with my dad's side of the family. It was wonderful to see so many relatives including some I haven't seen in years. My grandmother taught me how to make egg noodles, though I ate much much more than that while at her house.

After celebrating with my dad's family, we headed back to Eastern Kansas to celebrate with my mom's side of the family. As usual there were around 30 people in my grandpa Wohlgemuth's house. Afterwards we went to the candlelight service at Saint Marks where my dad and I provided a rousing rendition of Go Tell It On the Mountain. That has to be one of the best parts of Christmas.

Gifts were given and received. Pictures were taken. Too much food was eaten. Many gallons of gasoline were burned. In all it was a wonderful trip back to Middle America, and I hope to be seeing many of you much sooner than later.

I'll be celebrating New Year in New York with Amon. More details to follow.

1 comment:

Grubesteak said...

I'm looking forward to your Jan. 1 post. You have me intrigued. ...