Sunday, June 03, 2007


I just wanted to post something to apologize for my lack of posts as well as my relatively terrible job of getting back to people lately. Just to bring people a bit up to speed I have recently:

served on Jury Duty for a week, nearly walked into Sen. Hillary Clinton on the side walk, hiked around the Great Falls area, cooked much barbeque chicken, made my first from scratch gravy, purchased wedding rings, spent approximately 4,000 man hours doing wedding planning and preparation, spent approximately 4,001 man hours worrying how I'm going to pay for it all, left my umbrella on the Metro, purchased 2 of the last 4 or 5 Lewis books I don't own, started reading The Dangerous Book for Boys, and missed many phone calls since I now carry a work phone and a personal phone.

I apologize to anyone that feels I haven't done a good job getting back to them. There really is no excuse for it so I won't make one. What I will say is that after the wedding business is over I will do my absolute best to get more regular about contacting people and returning emails/phone calls.

Sorry :(



Amy Bushatz said...

you are forgiven.
and yeah, watch out for the senator. she isn't the best at watching where she's going.

Anonymous said...

No need to apologize for being super-busy [and you know you're busy when you carry around two phones].  I'm glad you had some time to let us know what you've been up to.