Friday, December 18, 2009

State of Home Theater 3D - End of 2009

Sooo, apparently 3D could be here quicker than I thought, though I'm still guessing it'll be more of a trickle at first, not exactly the tidal wave that Best Buy would have you believe is ready to break the dam. Even Sony, who's planning to lead the way by releasing a software update allowing existing 2D games people have already purchased to be played in 3D if you buy a display that is 3D enabled, isn't planning to get this out until a vague "sometime in 2010".

At a Glance
  • Firstly, the 3D specifications for Bluray were just ratified yesterday, December 17th.
  • Secondly, the specifications for Bluray 3D involve using a version of the H.264 codec already supported by Bluray (Multiview Video Coded-MVC), and supports (all?) existing 3D display technologies.
  • Thirdly, the newly agreed upon specification is backwards compatible with the 2D version of the codec, allowing 2D movies to still be played on newer equipment designed for 3D "of course only in 2D" as well as allowing 3D discs to still be seen in 2D on older 2D compatible equipment.
  • Fourthly, the Playstation 3 seems to be your best bet for a player that is available TODAY that already supports all the standards required for 3D (when paired with a 3D technology display).

SO! If you want 2D content in 2010 (come on, 2009 is pretty much over), make sure your display is capable of supporting one of the various 3D schemes (which I believe would include 120Hz display WITH glasses) and get a Playstation 3...or wait awhile and see which display technology becomes more mainstream and then just buy a new Bluray player or new video card whenever you decide to take the plunge and buy the new display.

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