Friday, January 26, 2007

And the Winner Is...

My parents have to be in the running for the best parents award:
1) They love each other very much.
2) They love their children very much.
3) They have encouraged my sister and I in everything we’ve done.
4) They’ve made many sacrifices along the way, I’m sure.
5) My Dad makes the best road trip partner, book loaner, and movie buddy.
6) My Mom sends me the best home made cards.
7) Did I mention they were supportive and loved each other and us?

Anyway, that about sums it up. Oh, and I’m typing this from my “new-to-me” laptop that my parents got me to replace the one the TSA lost.

So great.


Grubesteak said...

Sounds like a perfect opportunity to get a Mac now, Mike.

Madison said...

Yeah, you really should upgrade :)

MM said...

come on mike, you know you want an Apple.