Thursday, February 15, 2007


Missy and Patti are coming into town this week, which means I get another opportunity to prove myself as a tour guide and host.

On a related, but separate note, I will be really glad when my year drinking water is up and I can have a pint. I also miss drinking wine with a nice dinner, having tea in the morning or a cold afternoon, or sipping coffee while talking with good friends. Pop I don't miss as much. Oh, I miss juice as well.

So, I'll have two people to show precisely where to sample the most delicious food and drink but only be able to enjoy 1/2 the experience. At any rate, more details to follow on the Adventures of Patti and Missy in DC!



blackbird said...

How fun! I wish I could visit again. You were a fantastic tour guide--the day that we went to farmer's market was my favorite. I even got to hear some live bluegrass there!

~mike said...

hahaha. Ah man. Sometimes it's the simple things. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to show them the farmer's market. I guess the snow cramps people's style.

blackbird said...

Hey, guess what? I'm 26 today--oh, my--there's no stopping it! I feel it was just yesterday when I could fit into a horse halter and run around. I might be able to get one leg in now I suppose . . . This is off the subject, but I had to make note of feeling odd to be 26. I hope your DC endeavors are going well!