Saturday, April 07, 2007

Low moment for the day

Her - "What are you doing?!"
Him - "Just helping set-up."
Her - "What are you doing?"
Him - "I thought I'd help get the stuff setup for stage since I was here."
Her - "That is soooo nice of you. Thank you."

Me, to myself - "WHAT!? I got here like a half hour ago and set up EVERYTHING on stage except the stupid keyboard and stand that guy is setting up right now."

I felt like a jerk wishing to be recognized for something that while I was doing it just felt like what I should be doing since I got there early. But at the same time, I felt really frustrated with the other guy for taking credit for something that he hadn't really done. Yes he set up the keyboard and stand. No, he didn't set up the music stands, the mic stands, the ear monitor stands, bring out the microphones, bring out the ear monitors, OR BRING OUT THE CABLES.

Her - "Why did you get here so early?"
Him - "Just wanted to help."
Me - Yeah, just ignore me and keep talking to each other.

I felt like a complete jerk.

1 comment:

Patti said...

You're NOT a jerk.