Saturday, April 05, 2008

Abstract Cherry Blossoms II

Not your typical Cherry Blossom shot, but then, I've shot the cherry blossoms enough times that you start to say to yourself, "Self, how many more times can I take a picture of a cherry blossom against a blue sky?". Then you answer..."Ah Ha! I'll take the picture at night when it's cloudy, and the lights from the city are making the sky a dull red. Then, when I set my white balance for the flash, it do amazing things with the sky."

Ok, you don't say that, but when you see what you accidently did while playing around with the white balance settings, and you realize WHY it did it, you start tweaking things a bit and get the resulting picture. And now you've answered your original question. "There's at least one more way to photograph a cherry blossom."

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