Monday, July 18, 2005

Knight Ryder, Wonka, and Apologies

I have finally come to the conclusion that until I get internet at my house, this blog updating thing is going to be very sporadic. Initially it seemed that whenever I had time to post something, I could think of something that I wanted to say (whether it was actually worth saying or not). Unfortunately, now the precious little nuggets of gooey goodness are spread out enough I’m running into the dilemma of 1. Not having stuff I want to say when I have time to post. 2. Not having time to post/internet access when I come across one of the aforementioned gooey nuggets. As such, this is my formal apology for not updating more. (Also I think that I maybe just wanted a quasi-reasonable framework within which to use the phrase “gooey nugget”.)

I saw Willy Wonka and: 1. Johnny Depp is a excellent. Those who thought his performance in Pirates underwhelming will be glad to see him as wonderful again. 2. Tim Burton is a genius. 3. The remake is stupendous and I never once found myself saying, “Ah man, why did they change that!” 4. In the remake I believe the squirrels will overtake the umpa lumpas as the most frightening part of the movie (though the charred small-world-esque dolls will be a close runner up. This is the darkest movie that I have seen ultimately be happy and cheerful,

P.S. That fabulous fellow Andrew Ryder (the Knight Rider) will be arriving in DC Thursday evening, so that ought to make for a wonderful weekend. Yes.


AK said...

Although I have not seen the movie, (when I do it is sure to get a review on my blog, since it seems to have turned into a critique blog lately) I have read numerous reviews that say "if it wasn't a remake, it would be hailed as a masterpiece." Which is bogus. So what if it is a remake.

I agree with you Sunbizzle, a stupendous a stupendous movie. Tim Burton is a genius, and I for one welcome anything that has Tim Burton and Depp working as a team. Even if Depp did Pirates, and Burton did Planet of the Apes. Everyone has bad days.

Alex said...

Pirates of the Carribean was good and I lack Capt. Jack Sparrow.
Thanks for the Wonka review, Gibranimo. I will now go into it was some reassurrance that it at least won't be painfully bad.

Patti said...

I'm pretty sure that Andrew's last name is spelled Rider, although Ryder gives it an Old English flair. Tell him hi for me.

~mike said...

yeah, the ryder thing was a refrence from the ryder truck line from sometime or other, I should probably stop spelling it that way since I don't even remember.

Grant Randall said...

thanks for mentioning my trip to DC Mike. it hurts right here (points to heart).

Grubesteak said...

I have to disagree about Willy Wonka. Not that I've seen it, mind you, but I can't stand what Hollywood is doing right now. It's pathetic to see the lack of originality.

I liked Batman because it was a new take. The Dukes of Hazzard and Bewitched (even if the latter was heard to be pretty awful) is at least trying to do something original by making a tv show into a movie. I can go along with that.

But remakes, or "reimaging" as Burton has said about WW, is just crap. King Kong? Who cares? Herbie the Love Bug? How about Herbie the unoriginal old pile of gas-guzzling garbage.

I'll take Wedding Crashers and Enron: The Smartest Men in the Room, but all the remakes/fakes can stuff it.

Alex said...

Well, Steak, in all fairness - Burton made WW with greater respect to the book. The 1971 version (although Gene Wilder will not be topped in that role, not ever, not possible) departs from Dahl masterpiece quite a bit. So, it's not really a remake so much as it is another interpretation.

~mike said...

Uhm, steak? What you're talking about happens all the time. Take the world of theatre. A classic work is reinterpreted or "revisioned" for a new generation, or to make a slightly different statement. As for king kong, I don't know. I know it was a cult classic and I will catch tons of flack for saying this, but I was never that impressed with the first one. Having seen the previews, I'm actually quite excited to see the new one (although it will probably suck, and I'm ok admitting that).

If it is a good remake, people will like it. Some will think it is ok, but the original was better. Some will hate it. Hollywood will only make stuff it can make money on so if you don't like the idea, don't go see it. "Vote with your wallet" as the phrase goes.

Grant, my deepest apologies. I'm learning as I go. Andrew is coming after you were here, so he is reaping that benefit. You are more than welcome to come back though, say for a weekend when we could actually hang more?

AK said...

What is with not allowing remakes to be better than the original. I still have not seen the movie, however if it is better than the original, more true to the book, and a good movie...well then it beats it. What is wrong with saying Batman Begins is better than Batman 1? Star Wars III better than Empire? I think vision only goes so far...and that distance get surpassed by someone who does a better job making the next film. It's possible. But like I said, I haven't seen the film, but I am reserving judgement until then.

Alex said...

Amen, Allyn.

~mike said...

Come on now. Preach it!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! Someone get me a WetNap! I have gooey nuggets all over me!

Grubesteak said...

I just want something beautiful.