Monday, October 03, 2005

Out front of some really random music store. on the way to ocean city. I was talking to the owner to get directions when I said, "Did you know you have a praying mantis on your shoulder and he said, "No, but I was trying to catch one I found on the floor earlier and take it outside." So I had to tell him he had failed and it was now on his shoulder. Posted by Picasa


AK said...

yeah, does that thing have a little red led in the front that flashes from left to right when you drive it and talks when you get in saying stuff like "hello gi-bran, off to acoustasize some buildings today?" And then you are like "no, stop talking to me knight rider, freaking me out fo rizzle."

~mike said...

It would be nice if that was my car, but nope. It belongs to the guy with whom I rode down to Ocean City for the retreat.