Monday, February 07, 2005

Dupont for Lunch

I think that I'm going to go read at Dupont Circle today in lieu of eating at Cosi. I thought maybe I would get a sandwich and eat it on a bench there. I would post this after the fact and tell you what I actually did, instead of what I intend to do, but that would put me typing this after lunch, and likely that would mean at home instead of at the office, and then I probably wouldn't do it. So there. That is the plan. Eat lunch at Dupont Circle. I'm reading Celebration of Discipline again. It will be at least my 3rd time to read it through, and it will be the 5th or 6th time that I have read some of the sections.

That is really all the update I have for now, other than the fact that Cerami's DC branch office is probably going to be moving to other office space. That could be interesting. I'll keep you posted on that as new developments occur.

Also, the screen on my laptop went bye-bye, so I had to improvise this morning. No one was in the office, and I needed to check my work email, some work. I noticed that we had a projector laying around, so today my screen is a 24.5"(diagonal) area of the wall in front of me. Wow, I could get use to this. It's pretty sharp and I have plenty of area to slide windows around in.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sure beats a flat-screen monitor. Now, if you only had a 10 foot keyboard and giant mouse to go with your screen...
