Saturday, January 15, 2005


So one of the questions for the profile is favorite book. I'm not really sure how you answer this. It would be like asking a parent which child was their favorite. I think. I mean, I don't have kids - but I imagine that if I did it would be impossible to pick a "favorite" one.

Having said that, there are certain books that I really love. In no particular order: Weight of Glory, Celebration of Discipline, Wind in the Willows, Seven Story Mountain, High Fidelity, Old and New Testament, Chronicles of Narnia - all - (but especially Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Lion, Witch and Wardrobe, and Final Battle), Practice the Presence, Merrim Webster Dictionary, Blue Like Jazz, Life Together, Jesus with Dirty Feet.


~mike said...

Not a book? Uhm...maybe it is not a novel, or a story, or an essay, or a collection of poems, or even literature...but not a book. Exactly what definition of "book" are you using? According to our friends at Webster's..."a : a set of written sheets of skin or paper or tablets of wood or ivory b : a set of written, printed, or blank sheets bound together into a volume" I would say it definitely qualifies as a book.
Sorry ;)

Anonymous said...

Choosing a favorite child? How hard would that be? For Mom and Dad I'm sure they'd say me :)