Saturday, April 30, 2005

Decisions, decisions

Ok, so I broke my own rule and started typing this directly into the text window, and lost about 4 paragraphs. To make things short:

Who is going to be in Lawrence the week leading up to Tim’s wedding? Anyone, Bueller?


Anonymous said...

I don't know when his wedding is, but I'll probably be there. At least, I will for you.

Patti said...

I'll be here. If fact, I don't have to work at all during that week, so let me know if you need to be picked up from el aeropuerto or anything.

blackbird said...

I'll be here 'til Thursday afternoon as you already know probably--just wanted to put in my $.02 (is there really no cent button?). Yes, as a matter of fact I'm really checking your blog today--just another one of those behind the times type that has to go to the library to get on the internet.

~mike said...

How could I forget standing on the edge of the Hover Dam with you? That was one of the best road trips I've ever gone one.

blackbird said...

I don't recall ever going to the Hover Dam :)

~mike said...

I'm not sure who cokentoads is, but I'm talking to a certain person whom I travelled to california and back with, by way of the hover dam. This same person sent me an mp3 of a song with the lyric, "standing on the edge of the hover dam".

blackbird said...

I've been to the Hoover Dam with you but not the Hover Dam--there's no hovering about that dam. My niece used to chant, "coke and toads, coke and toads" when she was three or so--meaning Coka Cola and Toad the Wet Sprocket--something quite useless her aunts taught her to say. It could mean toad stools and cocaine I suppose, but that was not the intended meaning.

~mike said... I read "cokentoads" explaination and I couldn't help but laughing out loud. Ahh, coke and toads.

By the way, I believe it is coca cola, but then again, I was apparently hovering at the hoover dam, so who am I to talk.

blackbird said...

Yes, right after I sent the comment, it dawned on me that I had tragically misspelled Coca Cola. How appropriate :)

Alex said...

What Tim is getting married? Not little Russell Crowe (when he has a beard)/Ed Norton (when sans beard) Timmy, right?