Monday, March 28, 2005

Need to Keep Up

Apparently I need to read other people's blogs more frequently. I guess I'm part of the "Blog Squad" and I didn't even know it. So, thanks for the hook up Allyn. BTW, how did you get those links on the right hand side? I really need to work on my web publishing skills, er...skillz. My bad.


P.S. I guess I should go ahead and say up front that I don't necessarily endorse anything that is on anyone else's page I link to. Unless I specifically say that I do. Then I do endorse it. Otherwise not. Yeah.

1 comment:

AK said...

ugh, i just typed this long "how to" on the links gibran, and it wouldn't let me comment with html code. i will have to figure some other way to share the info. sorry.