Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Potential Apartment?

So many of you ask, whenever I get a chance to talk with you, about whether I have found an apartment yet. Invariably, the answer has always been no. I haven't really started looking yet. If you asked me on the phone tonight, I would still have the same answer, HOWEVER, tonight there would be a caveat. Ah, yes…a caveat. What might said caveat be, one might ask. (Assuming one was so inclined). Well…

I was having lunch at work today with Sara, the senior person at the DC office, and Jen, one of her friends from RTKL (the architecture firm we share office space with). Anyway. The conversation turns to how Jen is having a difficult time because her current room mate is moving out, and she is having a hard time finding someone to replace her. After more talking, Sara makes the joke that, “Hey, Mike is looking for a place; he could move in with you.” We all laughed a little bit.

Now let me back up a moment. Earlier today I was driving through a really cool area of DC with Sara on our way back from a site visit (US Postal Service Distribution Hub for DC, pretty cool and possibly worth a whole blog). I was saying, “See it would be cool if I could find a basement apartment in one of these row houses, but I probably couldn’t afford it.” Sara said, “Yeah, probably not. That burnt out shell over there, probably half a million to buy. They are doing a lot of renovation in this area.” That pretty much ended my thoughts about that.

Which brings me back to that lunch conversation. After getting a good laugh in. We started talking some more. I asked her where her place was and she said that it was a basement apartment in a row house. “That’s very interesting,” said I. “Where is it?””About 15 minutes walk from the office,” said she.”Interesting…,” repeated I.

So anyway, the amount that I would pay for fully furnished place with a living room dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms bedroom, and (I believe) laundry room, would be the same as what I would pay by myself for an efficiency place without a laundry area. Plus I would be in a cool little basement apartment in a sweet location.

Any way, it’s something to keep in mind as I start thinking about where I’m going to live in the next couple months. She is having a Napoleon Dynamite party at her place this Saturday, so I’m thinking about going and seeing the place.

That is that.

P.S. Enjoy the complete dearth of ridiculous pseudo-philosophical rambling? Well don’t get use to it! I reserve the right to wax philosophically all I want, even if everyone stops reading half way through!


Anonymous said...

I think what we all want to know ... is she hot?

~mike said...

wow...I don't even know how to begin answering that.

Grant Randall said...

which invariably means ( a resounding) yes she is. but what about your phobia of living with a girl? didn't you and missy have this conversation once? hmmm.

don't worry about the philisophical ramblings. you wrote on a pretty boring topic, to be honest, but your word choice and style actually made me read the whole thing twice...hooraa.

so yeah, move in to this place, stop thinking about it. the sooner you get a palce the sooner i can come visit you.

~mike said...

Hmmm...the whole idea of getting a palce does seem pretty attractive. I mean all my life I HAVE dreamed of living in a palce, but the possibility of *actually* living in one. Sigh. It almost seems too good to be true.

Alex said...

Ha ha. Gary can't spell.