Monday, November 28, 2005


There is something therapeutic about using an airports own wireless to complain about how much an airline sucks. I don't use that phrase lightly, but when the shoe fits... I must say that hearing the people complain about Delta causes me to feel that much more justified in my own feelings. They have been sitting here since 1:00pm this afternoon and are waiting for a flight that has been delayed (yet again), this time from 7:45pm until 8:40pm.

I am slightly less hot headed in light of these people's situation, however the feelings I have left seem even more justified. This industry is such a scam. I payed to fly from St. Louis to BWI. My flight out of St. Louis was delayed an hour, ok, no big deal - right? But this delay caused me to miss my connecting flight by 5 minutes. 5 MINUTES! They couldn't hold the aircraft for 5 minutes for me to connect. Now I'm on standby and may not even get to take this flight.

I am frustrated. So very frustrated.

That is all.

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