Monday, November 28, 2005

DELTA AIRLINES SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, until my little post here drives them out of business (oh, and don't think it won't - cuz it will) here is a picture of a pack of weiner dogs. They run wild in DC frightening any tourists who happen to be wandering about Willy Nilly. Posted by Picasa


Patti said...

That is the most awesome thing I've been in a long time!!

AK said...

Willy nilly. Fantastic.

~mike said...

How did I know Patti would be the first to comment? Oh, and ps. I just had to type bevrr to post this. Bevrr. So great.

~mike said...

yeah, I had to post that cuz I was walking to work one day and was like, "WOW, I have to take a picture of that."

Patti said...

Well, I for one am glad you took the time. If I ever get the chance to show you my Euro pics I'll repay the favor. I documented Dachshunds from many foreign lands.

Anonymous said...

hahaha I like your little comic strips of pictures and witty banter.

~mike said...

Why, thank you - "Anonymous" (who?)

Witty banter? Hmmm, while I consider myself a connoisseur of witty banter I'm not entirely certain that I have lived up to that recently on my blog. If you think so though, then thank you much!